Every mother deserves lifelong pelvic health

In this course, you will learn:

  • Pelvic floor exercises to prepare for birth and maintain good pelvic health during pregnancy

  • How to stretch your vagina prior to birth to decrease risk of tearing

  • Labour & birth positions to help baby move down

  • How to manage diastasis recti (abdominal separation) during pregnancy

  • And more!

Course curriculum

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    Module 1: Pelvic Floor 101

    • 1.0 Introduction

    • 1.1 Pelvic Floor & Pregnancy: what's the deal?

    • 1.2 Pelvic Floor Anatomy

    • 1.3 Pelvic floor symptoms

    • 1.4 Learning to contract and release

    • 1.5 Different cues to connect

    • 1.6 - Self-assessing your pelvic floor activation

    • 1.7 Quality control

    • 1.8 Pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy

    • 1.9 Tight pelvic floor

    • 1.10 The Knack to reduce bladder leaks with sneeze/cough

    • 1.11 Pelvic floor meditation and visualization

    • Test your new knowledge!

    • Recap!

    • Refer a friend!

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    Module 2: Core & Pregnancy

    • 2.0 Introduction

    • 2.1 Core anatomy

    • 2.2 Assessing abdominal separation / diastasis recti

    • 2.3 Preventing diastasis recti

    • 2.4 Core exercise during pregnancy

    • 2.5 Physical activity guidelines during pregnancy

    • 2.6 Workout modifications for pregnancy

    • Test your knowledge!

    • Recap!

    • Refer a friend!

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    Module 3: Preparing for Labour and Birth

    • 3.0 Introduction

    • 3.1 Perineal stretch in preparation for labour

    • 3.2 Forward leaning inversion / optimizing baby's position

    • 3.3 Pelvic mechanics during labour and birth

    • 3.4 Labour & birth positions

    • 3.5 Pain management strategies & hands-on techniques for birth partner

    • 3.6 Pushing techniques

    • 3.7 Positive birth stories (opt.)

    • 3.9 BRAIN: making informed decisions

    • 3.8 Medical interventions

    • 3.10 Preparing your hospital bag!

    • 3.11 Preparing your birth plan

    • 3.12 Preparing for an elective c-section

    • Test your knowledge!

    • Recap!

    • Refer a friend!

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    Module 4: Preparing for postpartum

    • 4.0 Introduction

    • 4.1 Preparing your postpartum recovery

    • 4.2 Postpartum pelvic injuries from birth

    • 4.3 Symptoms to expect after birth

    • 4.4 Being ahead of the game

    • Recap!

    • Test your knowledge!

    • Refer a friend!

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    BONUS MODULE: Symptoms management

    • Back pain (during pregnancy)

    • Bladder urgency

    • Bowel health: constipation, anal fissures & hemorrhoids

    • Bladder leakage / urinary incontinence

    • Hip pain

    • Painful sex

    • Pelvic floor tightness

    • Pubic symphysis pain

    • Round ligament pain

    • Sacro-iliac pain

    • Sciatica

    • Swelling vulva/vagina/labias

    • Rib pain

    • Tailbone pain

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    • "Refer a friend" program

    • Private Facebook Group

    • Live Q&As / In-person socials

    • Book a private session

    • Workbook

    • List of resources (products, books, podcasts, YT channels, Insta accounts, etc...)

    • Terms & Conditions


Fantastic resources for pregnant women preparing for labour and delivery!

Dr Jocelyn Land-Murphy, ND

Sophie Villeneuve and "Get your Floor Ready for Baby" are fantastic resources for pregnant women preparing for labour and delivery. Sophie is a very engaging instructor - her modules are easy to understand, with clear exercises and summaries that keep the information digestible and easily applicable, without overwhelm. Sophie has a wealth of advanced training and clinical experience, and I have confidently referred my own pregnant patients to Sophie for years for clinical consultations and in-person classes. I am so happy that her expertise is now available in this online format. Investing in your pelvic floor health with Sophie is not something you will regret!

Immensely helpful for labour!

Sarah Crocker, participant

Get Your Floor Ready for Baby was immensely helpful to me in preparing for labour. The visual cues and muscle memory from the exercises stuck with me, and my body was better able to relax into the pain instead of tensing against it. Even during the intense and painful pushing stage, the sensations felt familiar and safe because I had already experienced some of them on a lesser scale through the exercises. The medical staff even said they were impressed with how well my perineum fared - the strangest compliment I've ever received! I highly recommend this course to any pregnant person who wants to be more in tune with their body and better mentally and physically prepared for birth. Thanks so much Sophie, for helping make my birth experience a lot less scary!

Sophie's approach empowered me to make better choices during labour & delivery

Kate D, participant

As a life-long athlete, I was frustrated that lower back and pelvic pain as well as diastasis recti made getting out of bed and short walks painful during the latter part of my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. Sophie’s fact-based approach empowered me to make better choices during labour, delivery and recovery to help set the foundation for returning to exercise in a safe, injury-free way.

This course was such an incredible lifesaver for us!

Erin Legault, participant

I signed up for the in-person version of 'Get Your Floor Ready for Baby’ shortly after finding out I was pregnant. Then COVID hit and everything changed. Instead of leaving everyone high and dry or shutting down shop; Sophie jumped, responded and immediately started putting together a comprehensive online option of her in-person class; complete with videos, diagrams, leaving nothing out. This course was such an incredible lifesaver for us. It helped my partner and I learn together, to build confidence, to relieve the mysteries around labour and what to expect; and to learn so much about my pelvic health and how to best prepare my body for labour. Whenever I hear of someone newly pregnant, my immediate response is: ‘if you haven’t already, you need to connect with Sophie!’ She is an incredibly passionate, knowledgeable, skilled and caring person – I’m so grateful to have had you as part of my journey!

Sophie’s online class was so informative, well structured and clear, it empowered me to take care of my pregnant body.

Eliane Cloutier

Even though I already have two children, I wanted to avoid tearing again for my third delivery and to prepare my pelvic floor for the birth and the post-partum phase. Sophie’s online class was so informative, well structured and clear, it empowered me to take care of my pregnant body. It paid off : even though my baby came out in a record 2 minutes of pushing,I did not tear!! I’m feeling surprisingly well and I have a lot of gratitude for what Sophie and her expertise brought me.

Prepare yourself for birth from a physiotherapy perspective!!

Christina Kaiser, Hebamme (German certified midwife)

This course is a wonderful way of learning more about your pelvic floor and helping you prepare for birth! It is laid out well for the home learner and you can go over sections at your own pace and will have future access whenever needed. Learning about your pelvic floor and getting ready for the birth is the first step to a good physical recovery from birth. Sophie is an experienced and knowledgeable pelvic floor physiotherapist and I have been referring my clients to her for years with great success. I love her diverse teaching methods in this course and am very excited that she is making this great resource available to the home learner!

Bonus material


    Get Sophie's prenatal e-book for FREE so you can review the material in a different format and print it if you want!


    As a student from our prenatal class, get a 50% discount on Sophie's AFTER BABY RECOVERY GUIDE so you can get ready for your 4th trimester now and rock your postpartum recovery!


    FREE access to the forum section on each module to get all your questions answered by Sophie!